Rabu, 26 September 2018

#Day 3 ( August,17) Welcome Program and Indonesia's independence day

Entering day 3, our schedule is welcome program and MOA signing with partner schools. 
On that day we have started to know each other, and that day we will be in the campus hall to hold an introduction event with all partners and all ISATU lecturers and students.
right on that day August 17, between sad and happy. that day was Indonesia's independence day, but we all could not hold ceremonies as usual. some of us even cried because we wanted to carry out the ceremony.
at that time I was lucky to bring an Indonesian flag, because I intended to take pictures using the Indonesian flag on independence day. After completing the event, we all sing Indonesian songs together and take pictures together.
yapppp :( today is not complete without flag ceremonies and competitions. I miss Indonesia very much at the time. We celebrated Indonesia's independence in the country of people.

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